The Internet of Me - Attack on the Big 5 with a revolutionary Privacy by Design
When it comes to personal data, for Julian Ranger, Chairman and Founder of, it's clear: "Privacy must be guaranteed".
Again and again there are new controversies on the subject of data protection. Previously, the focus of the customer dialogue was on individual providers with partial access to user data, while the users themselves had no comprehensive control over their own data.
This is where the platform comes in: In his speech, Ranger presented the development of a platform that allows users to view and manage all their data in one place while not easily accessible to third parties. is a kind of Outlook for personal data, via which the user can contact his account, doctor or hospital, for example. This should enable users to decide autonomously who may use which data for what purpose. This approach offers another important advantage for providers: With more comprehensive data access, they can finally offer solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of consumers.